
battery life

How To Improve The Battery Life Of Your Phone

One of the most important factors to consider when getting a new or fairly-used device is the Battery Life. Everyone wants a device whose battery will last long. In this post, we will share valuable tips on how you can improve/maintain the battery life of your phone. The lifespan of a modern battery is between 2-3 years and after 300-500 charge cycles, it is very likely it sheds 20% off its capacity. Whether you are using an android phone or iPhone, you will find this information useful.

1. Avoid Watching Videos or Playing Games while Charging Your Phone.

People tend to watch films, play video games or chat on social media while charging their devices. All of these activities affect the speed of charging and also affects the durability of the battery. So while charging your device. Make use you don’t use it as it charges. You can also turn off your data.

2. Partial Charge your Phone, Avoid 0%-100% Charging

Partial charging is ideal for your phone battery, especially Lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries pull constant current and run on a lower voltage when close to empty. Charging your phone between the 30%-80% range helps the voltage in a lower range and is likely to increase the lifespan of your battery.

3. Avoid Charging your Phone Overnight!

This is a common practice. Well, maybe this is due to the epileptic power supply in most part of the country. Power supply tends to be available between 12 midnight and 5 a.m. in some parts. Nonetheless, charging your phone overnight is not advisable. It tends to wear the battery down if you do this consistently.

battery life

Most Smart Phones are designed to stop charging at 100% but if you don’t unplug the charger, the battery drops to 99% and it’s charging again until it to 100%. This process continues repeatedly all through the night. So, it is better to change the period you charge your phone or use a power bank during the day. The premature wear and tear of your battery will be heightened if your use a fast charger overnight.

4. Change your Phone’s theme to Dark Mode.

Enabling dark mode and reducing the display time of your phone also improves your battery life. If your phone is not in use, you can reduce the display time to 15 secs or 30 secs so that it goes off afterwards.

5. Avoid Charging your Phone under severe Temperature, Avoid Charging under the Pillow!

High temperature is one of the biggest threats to battery health. It stresses the battery and makes it lose capacity faster than charging in a low temperature. So you need to avoid charging your phone on the dashboard of your car on a hot day or under your pillow. Also, avoid using fast charging often. It leads to overheating especially when you use it for a full charge. You can use fast charging for a 10-15 minutes top-up.

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